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Calderglen High School

Aesthetics Showcase 2024

Dear Parent/Carer,

Aesthetics Showcase – Wednesday 20th March 2024

Calderglen High School are holding our annual Aesthetics Showcase at the East Kilbride Village Theatre for the third year. Your child has shown a keen interest in participating on the evening of the 20th March. There will be a small fee of £4 for a Showcase t-shirt and £5 for dinner on the evening of the event. Pupils also have the option of bringing their own dinner. All participants involved in the opening and closing dances must have a t-shirt to perform in. If your child does not wish to be involved in these dances and does not wish a t-shirt please email Miss Marshall by Friday 1st March.

Tickets are £8 and go on sale on Wednesday 28th February. All pupils participating in the showcase will have this option added to ParentPay with this removed after the Showcase for those not wishing to purchase any. Tickets can be collected from the PE department from Monday 11th March. We understand that during the cost-of-living crisis some families may struggle to afford the t-shirt and/or ticket price and as a school we have a number of t-shirts/tickets fully funded. If you feel this would be required, then please contact Sarah Marshall on gw14marshalls@glow.sch.uk

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Kindest regards,
Miss Marshall