S4 - S6 Assessment Update
Dear Parent/ Carer
Please see attached for S4 - S6 Assessment Timetable and Winter Term Supported Study. The information attached will allow young people to be able to plan for their assessment at the end of this month.
It is important to note that assessment fall into two categories;
1) Subject assessments in the Games Hall 2) Subject assessment in Class Time
Games Hall Assessment: These assessment are for subjects that have bigger uptakes and we will allocate time during the course of the day to hold this assessment in the Games Hall, replicating the SQA exams
Class Time Assessments: These assessments will be held in the normal class time where the subject is taught in the week but the assessment may take slightly longer than the usual double period.
As a priority we have ensured that no pupils have more than one assessment on the day and if there are clashes for a small number of pupils then classroom teachers will support moving an assessment
Study Leave: All pupils should attend their timetabled classes throughout the assessment block except for the day immediately prior to the assessment where pupils will be permitted to study from home e.g. If a pupil has an assessment on Tuesday 28th November they will be permitted to study from home on Monday 27th November. If pupils are unable to study from home then they should attend school and follow their normal timetable on that day.
On the attached Assessment Calendar, a column has been added to detail what pupils can study from home on the day prior to assessment.
Timing of Assessments: Class Time Assessments will be held at the same time as the pupils timetabled class and pupils should report the the class 5 minutes before the in class assessments starts. Games Hall Assessments have a time allocated timeslot on the attached calendar and pupils should arrive 15 minutes before the start of their assessment.
Classwork During Assessment Period: All pupils should follow their normal timetabled classes unless they have an Games Hall assessment or have an assessment the next day, where they are permitted to study from home. During the assessment period pupils will not cover new course work but will be supported by the teacher to study for their upcoming assessments in all subject areas.
study support timetable winter term 1 .pdf
s4 s6 assessment timetable working sheet.pdf
Mr Chaplin
Depute Head Teacher
Calderglen High School